Tuesday, September 20, 2016


I wasn't going to post today cause I don't really have anything different to say other than I am still plugging along at this overhaul of my house:)

One reason is.... I ditched my responsibility and headed out of town Sat and Sun. 

I know..... I can be crazy like that.  Last minute plans to head to Lake Oconee to celebrate the House Beautiful article with.....Michael Ladisic and his wife Lisa joining Matthew Quinn and Ric Parish at their killer home.

Boy am I glad I said yes.  When the captain of the football team ask you out for a date you go even if you don't have a dress. 

Right?  Kapow.....

I learned so much....you are laughing right?  What could that mean?
This spread was waiting for us when we arrived....along with chilled Rose.  And every meal was a presentation just like it straight out of Southern living.  

I thought of the times when people have come to my house and I would think....I have coffee yes check, cream yes check, toast yes check.  We're good then.


I now feel completely inadequate.  Have people been snickering behind my back saying things like "bless her heart".

 I fished y'all but I did not get in the water.  Oh no.  I am not game for getting into bodies of water where you can't see the bottom.  Childhood fear that has stayed with me.

Lisa and I doing the activity called "day drinking"....which I am not really an expert at:)

And these chairs......

We had fun dissecting the article and I got a little freaked out seeing my name in print in HB.  OK... so the print was really tiny.

Things were definitely back to normal with frozen pizza for dinner Sunday night.

Back to the overhaul.....

I got a little giddy when this Schumacher wallpaper was installed.

 "Stevie" was hung.....

Since I never did any spring planting I had my landscape guy just "pine straw the hell" out of my yard and I moved this old sundial in front of the window.....
 Kind of a lame attempt but I have always been a "smoke and mirror" kind of chick.

And this was yesterday after going up and down the basement stairs about 4,000 times looking for an inch of space to cram stuff.

I will be back on Friday hopefully with a few images from the shoot.....And next week things can go back to normal!

Thanks for hanging in with me y'all.


A LITTLE SIDE TRIP Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: yorkie


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