OK.....I dropped a hint on the last post that my kitchen was getting a little makeover. Don't get me wrong people....I am not getting new cabinets or appliances but I am making some changes that I think will have a big impact.
No this is not my AFTER! But I would die for it.
Let me start by saying that I don't cook and my kitchen is only for resale purposes.....which makes my husband and friends wonder what all the fuss is about.
Whatever right? If I have to look at it everyday then I need to see pretty.
Let's start with 3 things that have or are being changed. Countertops, sink, faucet, and cabinets doors.
The sink. Which of course has to come first and took many hours of agonizing over. Can you deal? I mean the internet is definitely not for people who freeze up when making decisions. It seems like the single bowl flat bottom sinks are all the rage.
This one on Amazon and other web sites seems to be the most popular. And believe me I googled the holy crap out of kitchen sinks.
I was all set to get it [cause the price is right] when I started hearing a few negative things about the flat bottom and in the sharp corners. Food is kind of hard to move down the drain and might have a tendency to hang out in the corners.
That is where the problem began....like 2 months of angst...research and flat out hair pulling. My friends were like "get a f#@*^%g sink already Sherry.
Crikey. I will hardly use it except to rinse out my coffee cup right?
So I caved and did not go for the "look" and ordered this one.....damn I hate when I am so practical.
It has rounded corners and the bottom is not as flat. It was more $$ but I can honestly say I am happy with the choice.
Next came the cabinet doors.
Before I had raised panel style.....
And that horrible dated area above the cabinets that we used to decorate with fake ivy:)
Taller boxes.......
Old and new.....I changed them out to simple shaker style.
I know you are now wondering how I am going to cover the seams? Yeah me too..... but I have a little help in that area and his name is Michael Ladisic.
Yes the builder of this fabulous home which I worked on.
Am I lucky or what? I told him he would have to come down to earth for a hot minute and stroll over to my 8 ft ceiling little cottage and help me. I can be firm like that sometimes:)
You guys will just have to stay tuned for other decisions like countertops, faucet and how we fixed that little problem.
The story continues.....
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