Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Oh boy....that was hard to admit....week 4.  Since I participated in the first ORC and didn't finish I have been diligent about being prepared in the last 4.  This one might be an exception.

I am struggling y'all.  It's  just a big old fat reminder that my time management skills suck. is the kicker.  I have actually had more than 6 weeks to finish.  I mean I had to order furniture right?  I can't really put my finger on where it went south.....

I can say that last weeks decision to paint the floors might be the culprit.

Yes....the bid to refinish them came in at over 1200.00.  It seemed like a no-brainer.  

We prepped by renting a sander.
Vacuuming 3 times.....lightly mopping and then using a tack cloth.  I read numerous articles about using SW Porch paint so that is what I went with.  Tinted to SW Alabaster.

3 coats later and I realized this....
See where it says in essence no furniture for 7 days?  WTH.....I do not have that much time!  Then as much as SW said I do not need to put a clear coat of Poly over it....I have read online that I should.  Good Lord....why don't I ever read the small print.  Have I learned nothing in 63 years?

But they look oh so pretty:)


Then I started re-thinking the dining area.  Cause I got all the time in the world right.

So I started auditioning.....

I brought this bench in along with a 30" round table that I would skirt in a cream linen....

Found this great throw at HG's.

The verdict is still out.

While I was doing the first round [of many I'm sure] of accessorizing the bookshelves the "bunny" helped with this last minute decision.

A word about one of our sponsors....Karastan!
My selection is called Woolston Plaid and it is made from 100% New Zealand wool.  It's available in 8 colors and the good news is that it's National Karastan Month!  Yep..... and along with the lowest prices of the season you can go to this link where they are offering a 1000.00 cash back coupon! 

This gorgeous rug is waiting for me along with the beautiful sofa and chairs from Lee Industries and as soon as I figure out what to do with the floors then all will be delivered.  Let's just hope it's sooner rather than later:)

A reminder of the furniture.  Sofa in pinstripe and chairs in solid.

But here is an unexpected piece of news with someone who decided I needed help....Ballard Designs.  They gifted me these Marguerite barstools!

My sister was elated!!!

Another sponsor is Decorators Best!  Since I wanted to wallpaper something....I decided the foyer could use a little love:)

Ya think?  Yes.... this was a popular wall treatment in the late 90's.  Shocking.

So this Schumacher Lace went up yesterday and I feel like I won the wallpaper lottery.  I have always loved this classic paper.

I am in love......

17 days to go....but not really because I have to  photograph and write the darn let's just say 12 days.

I just got the shivers and threw up in my mouth a little.

That's life.  It might be smoke and mirrors but I will style it up best I can!

Time to catch up with everyone else and see if there is panic among the ranks!


ONE ROOM CHALLENGE WEEK 4 Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: yorkie


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