Welcome back to the One Room Challenge!
Week 3.....otherwise know as "halfway"....which triggers feelings of anxiety and could cause a nervous tick that stays with you for the duration.
Yes..... there is 20 of us. Yes..... we only have 6 weeks to get to the top of the "design mountain".
Meanwhile Linda is sitting back laughing that "evil laugh".....which makes the little hairs on your neck stand up.
Here is a round up of what got finished this week.
Bye bye army green!
That is one sad looking sofa......
Window seat is also gone.
Hmmmmm there seems to be some difference in the floors. "What to do" she said tapping her chin.
Can't see that TV now!
After the painters left I decided that this area under the island needed to be painted.
And....since I couldn't get my Farrow and Ball wallpaper I went in another direction.....
I shopped the house I found this old walnut drop leaf table and 2 Hitchcock chairs that belonged to our Mom. She will not be happy about this but I am painting the chairs white. Sinful.
Also can you see that scrap of fabric? It's from Ikea.
As much as I wanted to use the Schumacher version....you can't beat the price.
I ordered this from Overstock for behind the sofa.
With the mantel and bookcases in mind I did a little shopping at Target....for some accessories.
Yeah....that was my lunch. No judging please.
The "bunny" showed up with this and went over the floors like she was doing laps at the Indy 500.
It takes a village.
So what's on the horizon for this project?
Window Treatments
Breath in.....breath out.
It's time to check out the progress from these hard working peeps!
Get to it!
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