Friday, October 16, 2015


Good Lord you guys.....I gotta tell ya my computer is giving me hives.  I spent all week curating my ORC post so it was perfect.  I kept editing and adding so I could tell the story with interest.

I was excited to get up Wednesday morning and all I had to do was push "publish" right?  Well 5 seconds later I get an email from Linda [girl is on it] telling me to add the link list for everyone else.

I am scratching my head as I view my post and realize in shock that it had published my first draft. this a cruel joke?  Am I being "punked"?

Crikey I had to edit it as quickly as I could and get it back out there plus I had somewhere to be [which is why I did it early].

Life can be tricky sometimes huh?

When I posted the picture of those botanicals many of you were like "where can I get them?"  Since they were purchased about 7 years ago I did some research for you and here is what I came up with.

First I went to Ballard Designs.

I love the black background of these.....

So many good options.

OK...these aren't botanicals but they are pretty cool for impact!

Then I headed over to and lookey lookey......

I found a gob of these.....
Some of them are the exact ones that were used in my post.

  I am reminded that botanicals are classic and always will be.  Not to sound like a broken record but I have had these for 15 years and even though they aren't in my LR anymore I am still using them in my guest room.

Of course while I was browsing the Ballard site I saw a few new items that caught my eye like these velvet pillows!

I saw that Element of Style did a good post on botanicals

And you might have noticed my new look!  I got in touch with Shari from Little Blue Deer to update my website and just decided to fluff up my blog a the same time.  She is the best!

Hope y'all have a great weekend.  I will be working on my ORC room so I can have a little something to post about next Wednesday!

I am so behind in everything:)



BOTANICALS Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: yorkie


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